02 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 John Adams and the Doctrinal Challenge of Extraterrestria...

Sometime in the summer of 1786 the fifty-year-old John Adams, graduate of Harvard University, man of science and future second President of the United States, turned up one morning uninvited at The Grove. He was shown round all Herschel’s new telescopes, and they embarked on an impassioned discussion of the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and the moral implications of there being a ‘plurality of worlds’. This was the sort of metaphysical debate that Herschel had once had with his ...
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If there is life elsewhere in the Universe, Adams argues with Herschel that it challenges Biblical doctrine.

03 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 Internet Rule: Don't Get Into Silly Fights

If you forget this rule, the visibility you will have on the Net is likely to remind you. (Too often, people get into ridiculous flame wars that are embarrasing to all who watch.) In general, it is easier to walk away from conflicts on the Net than it may be in real life. You can refuse to read someone's mail and refuse to let him provoke you once you've left an argument. Just don't let public postings lure you back in. If something or someone is holding you back or annoying you, you don't ne...
Folksonomies: internet virtues flame wars
Folksonomies: internet virtues flame wars
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A great principle for life online. Avoid flame wars. They just make you and the other person look silly to the whole world.